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Learning about Fentanyl

Up North Prevention, the Leelanau Substance Misuse Prevention Coalition, and Leelanau Investing for Teens (LIFT) are partnering to educate Leelanau County High School students about fentanyl. Dr. David McGreaham, the medical director of the Northern Michigan Opioid Response Consortium (NMORC), John Boonstra from the Leelanau Family Court, and Sharon Vreeland from Up North Prevention are joining Bekah TenBrink from LIFT to show the Natural High documentary "Dead on Arrival" and answer student questions at all of the county high schools. Most of our students and teachers are not aware that fentanyl is present in our region, and it only takes a tiny amount to be lethal. Michigan State Police testing labs are finding that fentanyl is present in most street drugs they have confiscated, including marijuana. The fentanyl is also not usually mixed evenly into the other ingredients it is paired with, meaning that one pill in a batch might be lethal, where others are not. . The Leelanau County Sheriff's Department has collected a significant number of counterfeit pills containing fentanyl.


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