Students Leading Students Training in Northeast MichiganYouth leaders of Tawas and Oscoda joined other northeast Michigan students today from Alcona, Alpena, Atlanta, Rogers City and Posen to...
Celebrating Summer in Leelanau CountySummertime is a great time to explore our community while getting some exercise and fresh air with friends! Leelanau Investing for Teens...
Re-igniting Youth Focused Data Collection Initiatives to Better ServeUp North Prevention aims and hopes to secure participation in the Michigan Profile for Health Youth (MiPHY) Survey through the Michigan...
The Parkinson's Forum in Traverse CityThe 37th Annual Parkinson's Summer Forum was held in Traverse City at the Hagerty Center. Featured speaker Dr. Susan Maixner, University...
Leelanau Senior ExpoThe first in-person Leelanau Senior Expo since COVID was hosted by Leelanau County Senior Services on June 20 at Suttons Bay High School....